
I've been coding for at least 5 years now, but for most of that time period I was not taking it very seriously. Up to this point, I have tried out many different languages, and I have taken a liking for some, but not all. I've made basic scripts with Bash, Python, programs with Rust, C/C++, Ruby, ASM (I wouldn't recommend), Minecraft mods with Java. I also created a very basic workout app for mobile devices using Dart along with Flutter, which was for my CS50 final project. To top it all off, I of course know JavaScript (along with HTML and CSS even if they aren't programming languages). I've used Vue in the past, but now I'm making this website with Svelte as I prefer it over Vue. My most worthy projects are available on my GitHub profile

You can find a non-exhaustive list of my projects below:

A mobile app that lets you track your workouts
A basic static website generator
An implementation of Conway's game of life
A program that generates mazes
A minecraft mod that adds variants of TNT
A minecraft performance mod that hides entities past a certain threshold
My files for the odin project
A command line program to encode messages into images
A command line program that generates sentences given a starting word using Markov chains
A minesweeper clone written in HTML and JS
A command line program that converts images to ASCII characters
A rofi menu for displaying Sxhkd keybindings
A command line password manager
A calculator program in which colored moving squares bounce around
A basic 3D renderer for my calculator
A basic 2D drawing tool for my calculator
A clone of Flappy Bird for my calculator

Web page made by Discusser with Svelte