Draw 3D

This is one of, if not my most complicated program I've made on my calculator. Weighing in at a whopping 7.36 kilobytes, this program allows rendering virtually any 3 dimensional shape, with the ability to rotate, translate, and scale at will. I was only able to make this thanks to my experience with OpenGL, which I learned through this book that I highly recommend for people who want to learn 3D rendering. To be honest, the concept of the renderer itself is not that complex, but the implementation took a long time and a lot effort. Most of the work was implementing transforms and applying those to points. Fortunately, numpy provides a function to multiply matrices, which helped a lot. All that was left for me to do was actually implement the different types of transformation matrices, then multiply the coordinates of the points to draw with those matrices, and finally add some interactivity to allow the user to control the shape(s) being displayed using the calculator's keyboard.

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